Mutiski konsultējoties ar sertificētu būvniecības ekspertu, noskaidrojam, ka jumta siltumizolācijas konstrukcija neatbilst Latvijas būvnormatīvam LBN 002-01 „Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika”. Jumta ārējā virsma un dzīvokļa griestu temperatūra atšķiras un siltumizolācijas slānī pastāvīgi veidojas kondensāts. Kondensātam nav iespēju izplūst, jo siltumizolācijas slānis netiek ventilēts. Kondensāta tvaiku izlaušanās caur jumta hidroizolācijas slāni un flīžu segumu ir izraisījusi jumta un terases bojājumus, kas savukārt rada nokrišņu caurplūdes.
Jumta remonta projekts un tāme ir īsta nekompetences paraugstunda Latectus, BPT un Ductus izpildījumā. Vienkārši runājot, vārošam ūdens katlam tiek uzlīmēts vāks, cerot, ka tvaiki kaut kādā veidā kaut kur pazudīs un vāks turēsies, kā uzlīmēts. Bet elementārā fizika saka, ka nekas nekur nepazūd. Kondensāts turpinās veidoties un tvaiku veidā centīsies izlauzties uz augšu. Katla vāks, tas ir, uzkausētais ruberoīda slānis, tiks noplēsts vai saplēsts. Tā kā ruberoīds ir uzkausēts nekvalitatīvi uz neizlīdzinātas virsmas, sākumā nepiekausētājās vietās, visticamāk, veidosies gaisa burbuļi. Un tad atkal sāksies viss no gala – nokrišņu caurplūdes, bojāti griesti, remonta izdevumi etc.
Bet kāpēc tās sēnes (aeratori) ir parādījušās tik kuplā skaitā? Varbūt tās kaut kā glābj nenovēršamo? Uz mūsu terases 38 m2 tagad ir izauguši veseli 7 aeratori. Remontdarbu tāmē uz 98 m2 bija paredzēts tikai 1 aerators. Katra aeratora izmaksas ar darbu ir kādi 15 Ls. Ņemot vērā, kā Latectus cieti turas pie katra santīma un uz mūsu nelielās terasītes vien ir papildus iztērēti kādi 100 Ls, tad ar dāsnumu šim sēņu skaitam nav nekāda sakara. Laikam „profesionāļi” būs apjautuši, ka fiziku nevarēs piemānīt, bet vēl tomēr cer aizmālēt kādam acis. Tomēr viņu cerības ir veltas. Daži caurumi ar aeratoriem nevar aizstāt ventilācijas sistēmu, kurā vesels ventilācijas eju tīkls gādā par kondensāta izvadīšanu caur vienu normatīvos paredzētu aeratoru uz katriem 70-100 m2. Turklāt, piebakstot jumtu ar nevajadzīgiem aeratoriem, tiek pavisam sabojāta ideja par terasi – esam ieguvuši NEIZMANTOJAMU jumtu ar šķēršļu joslām. Neko tādu mēs neiegādājāmies.
Šis ir stāsts par kāda dzīvokļa iegādi un ar to saistīto pieredzi Ikšķilē, Tīnūžu šosejā 9. Tam bija cerīgs sākums, bet beigas pagaidām vēl grūti prognozēt. Ja stāstā ir kāda sakritība ar īstenību un faktiem, tad tā nav nejaušība.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
WTF! - vai kā no ruberoīda sāk augt plastmasas sēnes
Šis ir īss kopsavilkums
par to, kā terase tika pārvērsta par ruberoīdu jumta, no kura aug plastmasas
June 14 2013 I had a terrace. It was in need of
repairs but usable.
August 1 2013
Went to our flat and discovered all the tiles of our terrace
were dismantled without our permission.
August 2013
Roof repairs continue. We have requested again for the
technical plans. None were sent. Yes,
they got our emails and understood our phone conversions.
In the meanwhile one of the leading Latvian building experts
comes and has a looks at the repair job and verbally says the job is below
standard and we would have leaks within a year, and from what little info we
got from previous bids about the roof structure it appears to be violating the building codes dealing with insulation
and condensation.
A letter was sent to us via the Latectus lawyer to set up a
meeting to return the money we paid of the flat. We were waiting for a meeting to
discuss with Latectus about what the possibilities were. We had in no way agreed
to return the flat for the selling price. They did not even think to offer the
taxes and registration fees that we incurred after buying a flat where the
faults were known but actively hidden from the buyer.
September 8 2013
Got an email from BPT rep that the roof repairs were almost
finished, and they wish to attach an electrical cable to our flat’s
electricity. This cable will heat the drains in winter to stop them from
freezing. WTF! I am to personally heat part of the apartment drainage
system. By word of mouth, another
terrace owner said that the electrician told him it would be like only burning
a 100 Watt bulb 24-7 for at least 6 months a year. So at the present cost of electricity,
and there being 2 drains on the apartment’s house roof section under where
my terrace once was, would cost me an additional 14 ls
(28 usd) in electricity a month out of my pocket. I think NOT!
(28 usd) in electricity a month out of my pocket. I think NOT!
This is a shot of the apartment’s house roof (the black)
which will be under our terrace. The building there is the furnace room for the
apartment house. There is electricity there. Why the bleep don’t they connect
the drainage heating there??? The portion of terrace partially removed with the
rolls on it is a common apartment house terrace, where will the drainage
heating for that come from?
Also note there seems to be some sort of electrical outlet by the chimneys.
Also note there seems to be some sort of electrical outlet by the chimneys.
Discussion about the possibility of a flat exchange with the Latecus lawyer start. After a couple of weeks we are offered to choose one of thirteen 2 room flats without a terrace to exchange for our 2 room flat with a 38m2 terrace. It is to be a straight exchange of apples for oranges, no compensation is discussed about us exchanging to a flat of lower value, and Latectus does not think that a 60m2 2 room flat with a 38m2 terrace is exchangeable with a 3 room 63.8m2 flat with no terrace or balcony. No deal there :(
September 23 2013
Without any confirmation of roof plans or that the roof is
finished, the autumn rains starts. And guess what - there is a leak! It was rather
bad and damaged another portion of the ceiling. However, repair company’s DUCTUS
response was good - at the moment the
leaks seem to have stopped.
October 5 2013
WTF!!!!! Went to the flat today and saw they have done some
more things to the roof which is to be below my terrace.Walkway from the flat to the terrace. Please note the sides of the black material are already puffy and soft. |
How the hell is my terrace going to be put on top of that!!
As am I too much of a coward to go up the fire escape to the
terrace above I wonder if the section of the apartment house roof above our flat
looks like the one which is to be below my terrace.
a royally peeved Wife
***Update. Hubby dear went onto the terrace/roof above ours and theirs has 12 aerator for 105m2 surface. How on earth did the roof below where my terrace should be get 7??
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