Tomēr ne mirkli nešaubāmies, ka TARK GRUNTE SUTKIENE tiešām ir „atvērti jaunām pieejām un nestandarta risinājumiem”, kurus savu iespēju robežās centīsimies sagādāt.
Tāpat nešaubāmies, ka viņi „ar degsmi” palīdzēs savam klientam SIA Latectus ievērot LR likumus un uzņemties atbildību par tīši slēptajiem defektiem, jo TARK GRUNTE SUTKIENE ir „prasmīgi likumā” un prot to izskaidrot arī svešā mēlē starptautiskos izdevumos:
7.2 Is the seller under a duty of disclosure? What matters must be disclosed?
liable for all defects of real estate which he or she was aware of and
did not disclose as well as for hidden defects of which the seller was
not aware of. Basically the seller is under a duty of disclosure of all
actual and important information regarding real estate. The seller is
also liable for defects that she or he particularly indicated and
guaranteed as non-existent. No particular matters regarding the
duty of disclosure are stated in law.
The seller is not liable for any insignificant defects, for defects the
buyer was aware of, or that he or she should be aware of, if usual
attention had been paid. The seller is not liable for such defects,
which occurred after execution of the purchase agreement and
transfer of title.
7.3 Can the seller be liable to the buyer for
liable for misrepresentation in case the seller has hidden from the
buyer any defects of the real estate or intentionally disclosed false
information on substantial qualities of the real estate. Please see
also question 7.2.
(Izvilkums no civillikuma skaidrojuma rokasgrāmatā Real Estate 2011)